This research developed a novel proportional pressure control valve for an automobile\nhydraulic braking actuator. It also analyzed and simulated solenoid force of the control valves, and the\npressure relief capability test of electromagnetic thrust with the proportional valve body. Considering\nthe high controllability and ease of production, the driver of this proportional valve was designed\nwith a small volume and powerful solenoid force to control braking pressure and flow. Since the\nproportional valve can have closed-loop control, the proportional valve can replace a conventional\nsolenoid valve in current brake actuators. With the proportional valve controlling braking and\npressure relief mode, it can narrow the space of hydraulic braking actuator, and precisely control\nbraking force to achieve safety objectives. Finally, the proposed novel proportional pressure control\nvalve of an automobile hydraulic braking actuator was implemented and verified experimentally.